Virtual Goody Bag
VADS4R Workshop, 16 June 2014, Glasgow School of Art
Welcome to the virtual goody bag for the Visual Arts Data Skills for Researchers Workshop, held at Glasgow School of Art, 16 June 2014, as part of the AHRC-funded VADS4R Project.
The full programme is available from:
The workshop presentations are available below:
- Introduction to Research Data Management - Anne Spalding, University for the Creative Arts
- Principles of Data Curation - Amy Robinson, University for the Creative Arts
- Data Management Planning and DMPonline - Sarah Jones, Digital Curation Centre
- Arts Research Data at GSA: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly - Robin Burgess, Glasgow School of Art
- Writing a Data Management Plan - Amy Robinson, University for the Creative Arts
- Plenary - Leigh Garrett, University for the Creative Arts
- Bibliography
- List of Definitions of Research Data
- AHRC Technical Plan comparison exercise - Example A and Example B
- University of Bristol Sample AHRC Technical Plan
All of the responses to the activities have been collated and are available in a PDF document here: Collated Responses.
1. What is research data?

2. Why is it important to you? the institution? those outside the institution?

3. What makes arts research data different/similar to other disciplines?

4. What are the advantages/challenges of sharing your research data?

5. What are your top tips for managing research data?

6. What is missing from the example Technical Plan?